M&E Process
The progress of CSR activities will be presented by the CSR Committee to the Board of Directors of Empire Industries at Board meetings periodically. The CSR Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the implementation and impact of CSR projects.
The CSR Committee shall ensure that in each financial year, the Company spends at least 2% of the average net profit before taxation made during the three immediate preceding financial years.
The CSR Committee shall ensure that the surplus (if any) arising out of CSR activities shall not form part of the business profit of the Company.
Apart from the above mentioned process, all the projects recommended above would be evaluated from the perspective of time frames and social impact. EIL would also ensure accountability for the funds invested in the projects whether implemented directly or indirectly (through NGOs) by means of continuous & rigorous monitoring .
The CSR committee shall supervise the projects through the CSR team. They will have periodic meetings to monitor both the process and progress and maintain a summary of the discussions for good record.
Where individual cases of medical assistance are concerned the CSR team will initially screen all applications with or without help from other volunteers and place the duly verified applications before the CSR committee to further recommend to the Board of Directors for approval.